Friday, June 22, 2012

up at three am, boiled water while microwaving yesterdays coffee, made coffee, poured the rest into my trusty mason jar, wrapped it with two towels and had a bath mat in the bottom of my old but trusty grocery bag.  On to the barn by 3:30 soaking, feeding, brushing while a good soak occurs...

Then back to shower, and work!
Now done with one computer job ... on to the next!

Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day. 
Some how I left my phone at home, but had this little vet emergency with Navarre, poor vet had to call my house, my boss, then finally I got to call them back.   As simple as we try to make life it is funny how difficult we cause it to be with one little side step.

making calls out, getting few calls back in... all while serving 12 a three course breakfast... cleaning/ turning over one room stripping two more doing 4 loads of laundry, and entertaining everyone in the house so they will come back.... Lovely day... but at least I was on my own and knew what ever going on (except for Navarre's foot) I had done all the negative to myself with no ones help.  I was able to laugh it off and get back on track by 1:30.  ahhhhhh what a day!

today is possibly getting 3200 gallons of water at the barn. While my trusty side kick (who is not fond of my large horses) tends to the horses while the large water tanker gets to the barn.

Gluing the phone to my hand as soon as the apparatus is invented to do so!

May today be less stressful than yesterday!
Here is to having enough peace within to make it through yesterday!
Here is to having enough today to do it again!


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