Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ONE pissed off WOMAN

I had a list of things to do today. 

I got up early, put all my ducks in a row, made sure I had as much done as I could...
I had called to have the "rented" hay barn open.
I had called and reserved two men who wanted to do some farm work... I specifically said hay and mulch.

I got my resume sent out
I got all my applications filled and done
I did all the shipping etc for pirates' lair
got all the lunch supplies in the truck plus 6 drinks, and candy bars for energy.
I was leaving the house by 8 to go get the guys and get to work.

Got there one couldn't make it but was replaced by another guy.
Worker A and Worker B
Immediately worker A starts dogging the guys at the VA that have an organic garden.  BLAH BLAH BLAH.... I tried to blow it off.  We all do things differently and I am the FIRST to be VERY opinionated.   But even after my telling him we all do gardens different, his way was the only way not once, not twice.... it didn't stop. Then the conversation got worse. Then the conversation went into OFF the WALL theories of what is wrong with this country.  And trust me I think a lot of things are wrong...

I asked them not to smoke near the barn! Worker A did... I asked him not to #1... I looked at him nasty #2 .....and I went OFF #3. With me with anything... three strikes your OUT...  It's my barn and he was not 20 feet away from open hay with the wind/ breeze that was blowing towards my barn that was not 15 feet away!  THAT WAS THE STRAW that broke the camels back.  I flew off on the guy!  

I had to take them both back not getting to finish 1/2 of what I wanted to.  Worker A worked not 1/3 of Worker B .... ? With my bad back, with my arm messed up, I had to pick up the slack that was not getting done but I was paying for.

Here I am trying to do my own part, support myself off my property and this guy wants to tell me what I'm doing wrong!   What is right for me is not wright for others.... What works on my land may not work well a mile down the road.  What I choose to eat, plant and preserve in some form or another may not work for anyone else....

So lets just put the Internet straight!   I do what ever I can to support myself.  I do what ever I can to not purchase or vote for things or people that I do not agree with in their descriptions/ campaigns.  I choose not to make the same mistake twice when it comes to politics and their lies. 

I Believe that no one in the service of the country should ever make more than the AVERAGE WAGE of the average citizen.  If you are in politics for money I want you OUT it was intended to be a SERVICE not a LIFESTYLE!  I believe that NOT the congress, nor the house should EVER have the right to control their own salary.  I believe it should be a given calculation based on US average wages.  Thus... like today when so many are out of a job and so many are being cut in hours their pay would go DOWN.  I believe if the country prospers and is run in the black/green like any other industry then it can be voted on by the citizens IF they may get a 2% raise for that ONE term.  I believe there should be TERM limits from the white house down to every seat held.

I agree that the ONLY people in the service of the country that should make more than the average wage is ANY and ALL of those that are on the front lines in an active war site.  I believe any human or animal given time in a war should have life benefits.  I like the 20 year for full if only in active duty (being different that war time)

I believe in welfare! BUT I believe if one generation gets it the next can not,  so it can not become a lifestyle.  I believe it can only be used to help a person RISE to a new level not stay in their comfort level or situation.  We all have to grow, if you are not willing to grow then you are not my problem.

I believe in Medicaid.  BUT I believe in re-training...  and I believe too many take advantage of the system having learned from the generation before. 

I believe in closed boarders.
I believe we should allow more people in Legally.  But they should pay taxes from day one, no medical, no food stamps, and we should not pay for their incarceration.

Which brings me to an even larger issue... How did TV, Computers, A/C and so much more become a part of the basics.  Food, Clothing, Shelter.... They (prisoners) should have to work to pay for their own expenses.  Why do they have more than me? Why are their comforts a given right? They forfeited their rights when they broke the law!  Why should they have no responsibility and then somehow fit into society if they get out? This makes no sense to me....

Ok... so today was one of my worst days in a LONG time. 
I understand if you do not agree with me.
I understand and respect if you have your own ideas.
BUT don't ever think YOU or ANYONE ELSE has the right to come on my property and preach to me about what I am doing wrong.  When I am doing all I can.

Suggestions yes! But scolding me for mulching! for cleaning my water troft, and only having two drinks per person for the first few hours ( while it is still cool ).... ONE PISSED OFF WOMAN!

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