Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life is all about the your view of the world. 
My view is HUGE at the moment... I see everything and yet nothing at all!

Dead trees about to fall on me? or is it the middle of winter? Is this photo just before the spring leaves appear? or is it just about me being lonely and feeling trapped?

Today life is a little easier, while I have not made it through the first chapter yet... my sweet husband sees I am trying very hard, that I am at my desk for 8 hours a day reading, testing, and making sure I understand what I am reading. 

My desk is a mess of things, hand written notes, a glossary pages printed by snip it only...
I am taking quiz's as I go... I can not wait till I get to the end of this chapter take the a chapter test and see how well I am doing.  I am going to assume I am doing better... because like it or not I am doing my best.

Life... a huge world... a world full of everything you can dream of... a world of good, bad, and the unknown!

This is just one more adventure in my life that I am taking without a map.  I am creating a map in my own mind... just like I do in a strange country before my husband is even out of bed; I am out searching for bread, chocolate and eggs; not necessarily in that order but ... I'd take them as I find them.

There is no telling what is lurking around the next corner!
A bakery?
A patisserie ?
I'm making a map in my mind of what I am learning and memorizing my path home. 
Even just writing here helps to clear my mind for more information...
Onward I go!

My love to the world...

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