Friday, August 12, 2016

No sun!

There has been little to no sun for days.

Today is as dark as yesterday, thus allowing me to transfer some plants into smaller containers for a smaller house.  I got some grass seeded at the barn, only a small portion of the pasture because after all it could get so hot and kill it by the time the rainy season does arrive, BUT I couldn't pass up the perfect conditions for sewing some seeds.

I will however have to weed and feed this winter to make sure everything comes up better for next year.   I'm working on a TINY section of the pasture.  Too small in fact to support a horse but it is a start and about as large an area as I can afford to support at this point.

I have to admit ...
I'm a little scared of what ever is going on in codes.  This may in fact put a stop to everything I'm trying to do for Jerry and I to survive more easily, pay off what little debt his business has acquired.   Like all things there are bridges to cross, and prices to be paid... we shall see what comes of it!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Codes and myself.

I'm not sure where I stand with codes... I've spoken to more than one person, and up the latter to the person over the department.  Basicly I have to have the container certified as an RV or a camper if I want to get around codes.

It is going to take every penny I have just to get the well dug, the electric run to the property AND get my septic put in place.  Three things for just a little over what I wanted to spend for the entire project.

I have to start talking to tiny house builders in the state to see how I can get the containers certified. Then I still have to save up the money for a foundation and rooms in the containers.

Life is going well in that I have plenty of work, my body is starting to get adjusted.  Trust me NOT adjusted but not aching with every breath I take. I do however find it very hard to shuffle all the duties, any customer service, and still do my job to any type of responsibility.

With calls into codes everyday, with their insisting I have a NC engineer sign off on anything I'm doing, while still trying to keep the barn, horses, house, and not to forget the little that goes on with Pirates' Lair... I well ...I think I'll end up certifiably crazy at some point.

Sweet Pea is in really bad shape.  She has blown a tendon again, limps hobbles, and basically doesn't move all day.   Which is good but not so good when bears are out trying to fatten up!

I had a list of to do's today that was a mile long.
I got it all done in record time!

I got it all done because I love the rain!   It keeps so many inside or away, but I could not care less!
got grease fittings for the gravely, a tube of grease for the grease gun, got food for next week made and planned. made ant poison,  Got small things at the kitchen store, Everything fell in place today while tomorrow will be a total loss I'm sure.

My list tomorrow is..
transfer mother in law's tongue
transfer some aloe
make water container set up birds room.
Clean birds room
PLANT grass at the barn!

If I get all this done I'll be sitting pretty for the next day off!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Today has gone softly.

Today has gone softly meaning... as a rare oddity it has gone in a wonderful pace.

It started with a 7 -7:30 am drink at the local coffee house with a dear friend more like family than outsider.

It then turned to a trip into town to get supplies.
     Soap, body and hand
     Basic foods, hemp, flax, and fresh veggies.

I stopped by my old job, caught up with the two women on hand came home to plan my menu for the week.

At home made two lunches for the week ahead.

Then met with a contractor for the tiny house for the estate.
     I got two names that will further my cause and ability to live debt free.
     Much information given swapped and more tracking, learning and possible favors to call in.

I got home and immediately called the two names given.
     I have an estimate from a water/ well digger!
     I have a call into for an appointment with a county permit guy and can only hope both calls are returned...

At this point I have a full belly, Jerry is out replacing the dog cable he ran over with the lawnmower, and we both await a call from a long ago friend of his in town ( a normal occurrence ).

Dog is on the sofa asleep and I'm about to take my magnesium to go to sleep soon.

A full day of nothing and lots all in the same breath!

Good news is Jerry and I agreed on where the tiny house goes, How we want it to sit.  And how we want it to end up.

With the contractor much was discussed... he suggested ... an RV or mobile home for the amount of money we want to spend, but I just can't do that.  SO the budget must be expanded and life goes on as it always does... Money, Interest, and Equity are all up in the air.  SO much going on it makes the head spin, so little in movement it makes the body scream in agony. LIFE is always a test and today is yet another day to test my patience , my organization skills, and my budgeting ability.   A soft day in the world for one person, a blink of the eye for humanity.  

Friday, August 5, 2016

Taking my lunches.

Life at the new job is going ... hard, hectic, and well.

I should start to get adjusted soon BUT we never really know.

I hope to make it my 90 days and I hope to make it my lifestyle for my future.  I need a job for two years before I can start to estimate how much it will cost me, much less be able to save for actually building a HOUSE we will make a home on our little estate.

My muscles are not hurting quite as badly as they did in the beginning, but having just finished my first 8 day straight with no day off was challenging, physically demanding, and mentally fatiguing to say the least.

I can say I love how the company I am now working for does recycle everything it puts out or sends to the stores.  plastic wrap, cardboard, pallets and more.  I like how everyone is actually responsible for everything BUT there is no REAL teamwork between the associates in my little store. This too shall change as all the new people learn more, are able to do more and are more timely in their abilities.  (including myself... especially myself) As always I demand a lot of myself, but having persons come down on me for little things is hard.  The 6am and after 11pm thing is a more than a little hard it is down right nearly impossible for me.   I suffer, I ache, and I ... well can't function well.

Is it that I am too old?
Is it that my brain no longer learns new things well?
Is it that I am too stressed to take on new task?
I desperately wish I knew my true inabilities instead of just freaking out with all the new task feeling like bait on a fish line.

Planning lunches, taking lunches because there are no ways of going on in what little time I have for lunch.  This week I plan for potato salad, quiche, and a salad or nuts each day rotating OR dolmas from TJ when ever I don't feel like eating what I have planned.

potato salad fairly cheap to make,
Quiche, easy... spinach in the freezer, a good sharp cheese, a mixture of dried/rehydrated mushrooms from the freezer, good heavy cream, large eggs and life gets better with each bite... lol...
nuts I've mixed for myself, dolmas in a can from Trader Joes; and if all fails an Apple or Banana with peanut butter. and always TEA ... Every other day I make tea. I can't stand drinking water unless I really have to

Salads, and small portions rule my lunches because if I eat too much too quickly i end up being too tired to function as I need to the rest of the day.

Lunches.... Taking, Controlling, (portion control, and money) and planning is what my life runs around on my time off.  Saving money is a big deal... every penny I save goes into the tiny house plans.

Daddy has the plans laid out. I like his thoughts and Jerry even approves.. But my first hard spot and brick wall have met.

I need to have a well dug, a septic done before I can even look at moving the containers into place.