Saturday, August 11, 2012

I am about to get back to my studying, but in order to do so I have got to get a few things off my mind.

I am more worried now about my future than I am today.  I know I am doing what I can to get through my classes... but with all the fire and drought in most of the country; typical people are ill connected with nature here; and few realize that our large agricultural areas not only feed people in the states but truly lots of people world wide as well.   This is going to be a horrible, pricey, and unforgettable winter!   I'm not one that likes an alarmist, but we are there people... not on the way... that was last month when farmers were praying for rain.  Today ... we are eating the last of last years crops and in November prices will go crazy! January if we are REALLY lucky!

Not the mention the regulations now on the oil companies to mix oil with corn? I have never understood that considering this is our only real thought to what happen to the Mayans other than their wanting to kill each other anyway... etc... Meaning corn eventually kills the soil unless done / planted correctly; meaning with some type of legume to replace SOME of what the corn extracts and a type of gourd in order to cover and protect the scared soil from erosion and weeds. 

No I am not a know it all, but the elders in our lives knew what they were doing once they settled.  They had time tested and true resolutions to situations... Corn sucks the life out of the soil! Beans  help to replace the nitrogen losses and use the corn stalk as a pole to grow UP, while pumpkins, squash, and bird / utilitarian gourds cover the ground with a shade that also helps to protect evaporation of water in times of drought!

How many CORPORATE farmers do you know that plant this way?   NONE! their equipment will not allow it!

So not only will the cost of our food go up, but the processing of our fuels will go up IN THE STATES due to our now required additive laws. 

While I am worried about life... I can't stop worrying about how much my food is going to cost this winter!   Yep... The only thing I can do is PLANT NOW... root veggies... carrots, parsnips, turnips, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale etc... if protected it will do me some good with cutting down on the cost of my soups for the winter.

What does this matter? I can only do what I can do in order to save as my "kids" are my animals and I have to worry about how expensive their feed is going to be!  Yep! this is not only going to effect our raw food lines but also our meats!   FEED is mostly corn now a days, even for your dog (which should never eat corn) So my horses are going to have to cut back on their feed because it is going to be so expensive as well.  I only wish I had a way of getting feed, saving it for later.  I do not! I am but ONE WOMAN with no facilities near me for such efforts! Even personally this would require me creating a room that is mouse proof! I know of only one person in this area with such a set up! Smart Man!

In my lifetime we have gone from a 1/4 of the country with social support to over a 1/3... before this drought is over it will be over 1/2 ~   I'm just saying... people are going to have to start doing what they can for themselves with out relying on government support!   Help your self, help your neighbor, help your community, then your county, your state, THEN and only praying at that point our Government will catch on to how important it is for people to be and STAY self reliant so it helps our COUNTRY!

Get off the sofa people! Do something now to help yourself later!
Rant DONE!

OK... now that I have that off my back, I'm hitting the books again.

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