Friday, November 16, 2012

Why is it no matter how much you write about peace, having only what you need, only what you want and still when you feel bad nothing in life has the color it once did.

I just had someone call a business line... HINT with the economy I no longer have a home phone.  My house line is gone and only a business line is in the house.  Thus it rings at any hour and I answer it no matter what out of human response.

I married into a motorcycle business.  I like it! I even enjoy it at times because I'm not a stupid person.  BUT I can only take so much of people talking down to me about something they know little of and if asked I'd be happy to help them.  And trust me when it comes to men, bikes or their toys if I don't know the right answer I tell them.  There is no grey in my business knowledge... I either know it or I don't.

While it is no excuse, not feeling perfect made me explode tonight!   For years my husband has begged me to stand up for myself, not allow these people on the end of the line talk to me the way they do.    So this person asked for Jerry!  I get it! I'd want the owner too!  He wasn't here... and instead of being fine with it... he expresses how he was sure Jerry would never remember him anyway, how he doesn't purchase much and how its been about ten years.  No issues to me... a customer is a customer right?   Right!

So then he asked what I might have for the K13GT... I was silent... thinking... ok  crap... where do I start?  Well what are you looking for, I asked ?  he responds quickly with... anything BMW doesn't afford or allow with the bike at time of purchase.  His smart  (blank) response... when calling an aftermarket company gives me no more guidance of what he wants... Is there anything specific Sir?    Well anything like peg lowering kits etc... Do you carry anything like that?    

Yes I do sir... I carry about 200 products for your bike. 

I don't see anything for it!
Are you looking under the K12GT?  NO I have a 13 he gets snappy at me...
Well Yes I understand but there are very few things about your bike that are any different from the K12GT of the previous year.    NOT correct he yells.

I stopped ... took a deep breath and said you know what I can get your name and have Jerry call you when ever he decides to come in; because you obviously don't want to talk to me.  There are only a few things different about your bike from 06-07... 05 was yes a different engine and bike... but like it or not K12 orK13GT are about the same in the current productions.

He finally checks on line and backs up... apologises... said he didn't mean to talk to me that way. 

Yes you did! ( I was tired, hurting and MAD at this point) You treated me like I was a stupid girl!   Oh don't put words in my mouth he said...
I didn't have to ... that's how you were treating me!

While the conversation ended it was not on a good note.  It was not someone I got to help.  I got talked down AT... I felt like I barely stood up for myself... but I also think I stood up too much all in the same.  Confused... Upset... Sorry... but... Not any better for any of it!

I'm done!
I'm a stupid about certain things!
I make mistakes all the time!
BUT darn it! I am human ... and I am sick and tired of being treated like a wet dog on a freezing night that's too stinky for anyone to treat like it's worthy of life.

I didn't take his name...
I didn't take his number...
I want to help my husband, his business, BUT ... why do people love to treat others SO badly?

I was not at all peaceful!
I am not at all at peace now as I type.

Everyone wants something; and when others don't understand what they are asking they for because there is a lack of communication between... genders, ...experiences, ...or even life styles no one seems to treat each other human.

Treat someone nice today!
Treat someone better than they treat you!

I can only hope this guy has a better day tomorrow! I'm sure going to try to!

Peace in...
Stress out...
Peace IN>>>>>
Stress out....

Life may look like a tattered old barn... but be the best place to throw a party to remembered for a life time. 

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