Sunday, April 21, 2013

SO cold outside.

It's late April and 36 degrees outside. 

The heat is off, the house is cold, my body layered with clothes I had hoped to have packed for the season.

My heirloom tomato plants are safe in the house, the blooms are amazing and I long for the day I can put them in the ground and not worry of them twice a day.  My aloe plant, some other arid plant my daddy gave me.... all safe... next to the kitchen sink awaiting to get back out in the sun as soon as possible.

Water boils on the stove for my second pot of coffee. 
Tea all but gone from the night before.
Oh these are my warmth for this chilled morning.

Yes only 6am but the drier runs down in the basement, the washer on it's third load of the day.  Much has been read this morning.  As well as facebook attacked!   As so many despise the public forum; I on the other hand use it as a encyclopedia of ideas and information.... typing in green, plants, garden, grow etc... and watching several other organized pages appear.  I follow them to web sites, I see what other sites are mentioned etc... I find it as open and useful as that old encyclopedia set in the corner of my Nanny and Paw Paw's house on a rainy day.

But again we all see life differently, we all use media for different reasons; really it is no different than the glass being half full or empty.

AHhhh well... back to the real work... cleaning closets and the gust room.

I am after all getting all my little things together to get rid of them. 
1. We all need to get rid of things we no longer use.
2. My house is small and life gets all too cluttered long before we notice, so it is a good thing to just knock it out once or twice a year.
3. My neighbor plans on doing a yard sale.... I've wanted to but my drive would cause more accidents than it would bring money.  So her drive being so much safer makes life all the better for a little money to be made from things no longer needed to me.

  • My bike. ...
  • My Antique Bird Cage...
  • My collected set of Craven Porcelain ( I hate to get rid of it but hard times call for good measure)
  • A foot stool we no longer use.
  • An old side table we no longer have room for.
  • Books... so many books.... Yes I've given many to the library but they do the same... keep what they do not have and sale the rest.  At this point I need the dimes they would make so... I'll sell myself.
These are all just a few of the things I have come across the last two days. 
I am sure there is more to come....

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